GWEN.Net updated
Updated the SFML renderer to work with newest SFML version (Laurent finally removed the default font).
I really need to work on this more, there are still few annoying bugs with text rendering. Reworking the event system is also long overdue (as is bringing the port up-to-date with original GWEN). So if you’re reading this and would like to contribute (and have more time than I nowadays), feel free to do so!
C#, code, GUI,
Hi, I am using gwen and I have a problem…
When press touch screen over any control, I only have a Canvas::RenderCanvas function to redraw entire screen, but do not have any function to redraw only the touched control. How and where I can implement this function?
You can view my gwen based project here:
PD: Sorry for use this reply/comment to ask a question…
jose said this on November 9, 2012 at 13:56 |
Your project looks great!
All controls are supposed to be redrawn only when they need to be. Check out Invalidate* functions in Control::Base. Rendering logic itself is in Control::Canvas, control layout in Control::Base. If you need to redraw a single control, it should work by calling Control::Base.Redraw() or Invalidate() functions. I’m not 100% sure on the exact order of things so there may still be bugs somewhere in there.
omeg said this on November 9, 2012 at 14:27 |