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Bloodlines – cRPG you need to play

Yesterday I finished playing Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. I’ve heard good things about it before, and bought it some time ago while it was on sale on Steam. Recently I remembered it and thought “Hell, let’s try this”. Over 40 hours later I can say that it is one of the best cRPGs I’ve ever played. It has an amazing atmosphere, you just feel like a son of Caine wandering around the city streets amongst oblivious humans. Despite being somewhat problematic to run on modern systems and occasional stability problems, I can wholeheartedly recommend it to any cRPG fan. Make sure to use the latest unofficial patch.

I played as a rather demented Malkavian and it was an unique experience. Below you can find some samples, without any major spoilers.

~ by omeg on September 12, 2011.


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